Natural ways to get a great night’s sleep:
regular physical activity, go for a walk, try to get 30 minutes of sunlight daily.
Try to stop gazing at electronic devices for one to two hours prior to going to bed.
Listen to soothing music while you practice a short yoga sequence to stretch your hip and back before you go to bed.
Relax and unwind – take a warm bath, use a sauna, or an infrared sauna. Keep your bedroom dark, quiet, and cool.
- Puppy Pose w/ blanket and pillow – 5 breaths
- Supported Child’s Pose w/ bolster – 10 breaths per side
- Twist with Knee Support w/ bolster – 5 breaths per side
- Supported Bridge Pose w/ bolster – 10 breaths
- Supported Alternate Knee Hug w/ blanket – 5 breaths per side
- Supported Resting Pose w/ bolster, two pillows and block – 20 deep breaths (or Legs up the Chair for 2-5 minutes)
Wow Doris…!
This is an excellent source of healing tools all wrapped up in a short sequence that is very much so doable for anyone just before bedtime or any other time of the day…!!🤗🤗🤗
I love the first pose of this sequence a lot!! Placing our elbows on the pillows and allowing our chest to slowly relax toward the yoga mat with each breath, is amazing feeling….!
This is also so supportive for my rotator cuff and bicep!!
It’s a great stretch for it that also allows activation of the lymphatic flow, which is relieving to me and lowers my stress about not getting that done when pain levels are too high.
With this pose…..I have an alternative to raising my arm from my body.
It stretches my bicep and bicep tendon so well and feels sooooo good…..! It feels good on my shoulder blade and back too….!! I felt it in all places you said it is for… more….!!
It’s always so amazing to me how you find ways to access areas that need movement without any strain on an injury.
Sending you all of my love…..Doris!