Wrist Extension / Wrist Flexion/ Wrist Stretch Variations
This 5 minute sequence can be used to release tension in your wrists and hands.
The benefits are stretches and decompresses wrists, increases circulation in wrists and hands, and prevents and helps reduce symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.
Engage with each pose at your appropriate edge, being respectful of your body. Become still, and relax deeply into each pose – feel its healing effect on your body and mind.
Ideally, practice the routine 1-2x daily until your condition improves.
These wrist release exercises are so incredibly helpful if you have a lot of keyboard or other repetitive tasks for you hands to do often daily. I came across this at the blog tonight and am grateful I did as I haven’t been doing this daily and often. This was a great reminder to work these helpful, condensed movements back into my days. I appreciate you Doris–Life is so much better with you in it: keeping us balanced (emotionally & physically) & making sure that we keep moving without pain and with joy and smiles! That’s invaluable–Thank you!