Butterfly Pose / Badhakonasana
Benefits: This pose relieve tension and tightness in your low back, hips, and inner thighs, which increases flexibility and promotes relaxation. The posture also builds strength and boosts circulation in your pelvic floor muscles. Practice the butterfly pose regularly, and you release headaches and it helps to relieve tension from your neck and head also it has a calming, relaxing effect, which may help you manage and let go of stress, reduce depression and fatigue.
Cautions: People who have knee injury (use pillows, blankets or blogs under knees) groin injury.
This is a wonderful pose! I love it for my low back.
It takes a few mins for my hip joint and low back to let go and surrender, as Doris describes it, and once my body does surrender it feels really really good. Very relaxing……
I have been working with Doris for over a year now and I have low back pain that is chronic. It always aches and I have discs that are herniated right where our low back curves and and I used to rely solely on my doctor doing epidurals with a needle that goes deep into my spine to help control the pain. The pain was so bad so often and it would wake me up…..it wasn’t the aching that I have it was intense sharp shooting pains going down into my tailbone and all over in my sacrum. It would make me cry bc it hurt so bad. I also would almost blackout at times bc the pain wasn’t tolerable. My ears would start to ring really loud and I would shake. It is very difficult to go through.
The only thing that stopped it was painful epidurals that I was fully awake for during the procedure, due to it being so much more expensive to put me under to have it done. It hurts, but the sharp shooting pains also hurt so bad that this wasn’t any worse to have done.
It has been 6 months now and I have not had to get an epidural. I have only had 2 times of the awful shooting pains waking me up and bc I am not able to think of what to do for myself when I am in that level of pain……these videos have given, My husband, bless his heart, a tool to help me with bc he will think of a video for low back from Doris, that I have shown him works for me. By now he just knows what I need to do and thinks of what to tell me, which is still what has been taught to me and him from Doris, and we will sit and move me through it until the pain subsides and I can go back to sleep. I have to rely on medication as well, but I had to back 6 months ago also. The only thing that has shifted this is working with Doris.