Eye exercises to help improve your vision: Spending 8 hours a day on a computer screen for your job can take its toll on your eyes. So just as it is important to exercise your body to stay fit and healthy, it is also important to keep exercising your eyes to maintain your vision clarity, calm your mind and keep your stress level down.

Pre-workout: Eye stretching works best when you relax. It is therefore important to take a minute, close your eyes and remoisten your eyeballs before attempting any of these exercises. While your eyes are shut breathe in and out deeply as this will further prevent your eyes from becoming dry and has the added benefit of helping you relax. This is especially crucial if you work on a computer all day as you blink less when focusing your eyes on a digital screen. These Eye exercises are exceptionally good to get your eyes prepared for seeing. In seeing we must strengthen our peripheral vision as well as our perception. If you wear glasses, take them off for these exercises.

Circling the clock: close your eyes, inhale through your eye muscles open eyes, hold breath and imagine a clock face- circle your eyes all the way around the clock 3x close eyes and exhale – keep your eyes closed inhale; open eyes, hold breath and circle in the other direction 3x close eyes exhale, you can repeat that few times if you like

Diagonals: close your eyes, inhale through your eye muscles open eyes, hold breath and look to your upper left corner of vision (keep your head still), then lower right 3x close eyes and exhale – keep your eyes closed inhale; open eyes, hold your breath and look upper right corner, then lower left 3x close eyes exhale, you can repeat that few times if you like

Up and Down 3x: same as above

Side to Side 3x: (keep your head still) same as above

Near and Far Perception: close your eyes, inhale through your eye muscles open eyes, hold breath bring index finger as close to your nose as possible, staying in FOCUS look across the room for a far point or move your index finger forward away from you, keep in FOCUS continue to hold breath, flicking gaze back and forth as slowly as possible, getting a sharp focus at each point close eyes exhale, you can repeat that few times if you like

Blinking: holding your breathe while blinking, in & exhale same as above

Eye Palming: Keep eyes closed, breathing deeply, rub hands together very fast until palms become hot or placing them under warm water (create fire energy). Put palms gently over closed eyes, inhaling heat into eye muscles, and exhaling out the strain and tiredness.