Doris Yoga Therapy
Doris Puehringer is an internationally renowned Yoga Therapist. Her highly popular weekly online yoga therapy classes have attracted attendees from over 30 countries around the world. Doris has worked with 100’s of people helping them work with neurological and psychological disorders and other ailments of the mind and body. She is passionate about educating people on the importance of bringing awareness to the moment. Doris has cultivated a yoga therapy practice to help men and women transform themselves and live healthy disease free lives. Doris’s mission is to inspire people to honor themselves with a daily yoga practice and teach her methods to the next generation of yoga therapists.
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Breathing exercise – Uddiyana Bandha
Breathing exercise - Uddiyana Bandha Uddiyana Bandha is an abdominal lifting or upward-lifting lock. This whole process creates a vacuum in your chest that allows a better circulation of blood to all the abdominal organs and brain. It is internal cleansing,...
Wing and Prayer / Wing and Prayer (Extended) / The Newspaper
Wing and Prayer / Wing and Prayer (Extended) / The Newspaper Wing and Prayer - this simple movement gently works your upper back and opens up your chest. Wing and Prayer or Extended Wing and Prayer you can do it in Seated Posture or Standing up. Repeat 4 to 6 times....
Breathing exercise – Alternate Nostril Breathing
Breathing exercise - Alternate Nostril Breathing The Breath is a wonderful tool for developing mindfulness, awareness, and bringing aliveness into previously dull areas. A.N.B. helps to create balance, harmony in your system by allowing each nostril equal time so that...