What People Are Saying

Doris is a rock solid professional with a heart of gold. She is a gifted, intuitive yoga therapist who firmly stays on task. Her warmth is infectious and her empathy for people’s pain leads her to lovingly personalize each encounter. Quite simply she is one of the kindest people I have ever met.

Jan Friedman, LMFT

Training Teacher, L.A.U.S.D., Senior Psychotherapist; Barrington Psychiatric Center

I met Doris years ago and I am proud to be her friend as well as her student. We work hard, but enjoy a lot of laughs together. I come from a Western “ hard science” world. Doris was first taught yoga by her grandmother in Europe and has spent most of her adult life learning a host of Eastern disciplines. In my experience most accomplished therapists integrate the best kernels of knowledge and techniques from many schools of thought and practice. Doris embodies this tradition; she never teaches the same class twice. Finally, I would be remiss if I didn’t note Doris curiosity about the human body in all of its complexity. For example, she has taught me to appreciate the profound importance of breathing as central to almost every therapy – physical or mental.

Raymond J. Friedman, M.D., Ph.D.

Training & Supervising Psychoanalyst, The New Center for Psychoanalysis Los Angeles, California

Yoga Therapy with Doris has radically transformed my life. I became a  client of Doris 10 years ago after having brain surgery. I had migraines and tension that caused me to withdraw for several days several times a month. I was afraid of any exercise. Yoga seemed too difficult to start at age 65. Years later, I continue weekly private yoga therapy sessions with Doris. Her gentle systematic therapeutic manner has given me both a critical new understanding of how my mental and physical systems interact and a new confidence that can control my life.

Lian Hurst Mann, Ph.D

Hand in Hand: Domestic Employers Network

Doris brought me back from pain, fear and depression to health, strength, flexibility and happiness. I worked with her through the medical office of Singh Neurology. Doris is a gifted healer with brilliant life force and multi-disciplinary approach to the body pain – deep breathing, meditation, tai-chi, kick boxing, stretching, strengthening that is supportive and challenging. She is serious while having a kind and affectionate personality. I have referred five other people to her so far. No, I am not nominating her for sainthood, but I may.

Eric Mann


At age 88, with a degenerating physical condition, I began working with Doris. Now I am 99 and totally bedridden. Doris weekly visits are a Godsend. The breathing techniques I have learned help me feel alive despite my immobility. Her assisted stretching and manual manipulation of my arms, hands and legs, feet stimulate my circulation, sooth my fibromyalgia, and keep me feeling physically vital. And her cranial sacral therapy keeps my brain active and relaxes me at the same time. I feel so blessed to have found her.

Melinda Hurst

At the age of 27 I found myself facing an unexpected health crisis that left me physically, mentally and emotionally devastated. Through some kind of divine fortune, I met Doris at that time. I credit her robust knowledge, warm wisdom and loving guidance with helping me get through one of the most difficult times of my life. Beyond her impressive resume–not to mention an unparalleled understanding of the human body and decades of therapeutic experience working with clients of all backgrounds and abilities–Doris possesses a rare healer’s intuition; she’s quick to form an empathic connection with the people she works with. I’ve never known someone who radiated such joy, cared so deeply, and worked so tirelessly in helping others. I’m truly grateful to know Doris.

William Stephens

Doris is a mystic and a healer.  She can look into your eyes, even through the zoom lens, and understand where your body needs to heal.  She has the extra added spice of laughter, kindness and a boots-on-the-ground work ethic that can inspire so many to prioritize their physical healing journey.  She will bring you into the present moment, keep you there, then you can move on, feeling great!

Tery Arnold

Senior Director, STAR Education

I can honestly say that Doris is one of the finest yoga teachers I’ve ever experienced.  She is expert at all yoga postures and very skilled at giving clear instruction.  Doris understands the body and its anatomy well, and she gives personal attention to every student’s individual needs.  One always feels better physically and emotionally after a yoga therapy class with Doris on zoom and ready to face the challenges of daily life!

Barry Shils

Film Director

I’ve been practicing yoga for sixteen years with different teachers and taking Doris yoga therapy class for the last five years because she is the best. And now, I can’t live without it anymore. In her class, she always tells us the alignment with details which I believe is one of the very important things in Yoga. Some instructors just tell us the poses and keep moving in a class. But with Doris’ instructions with reasons, I correct myself minor angles and heights and those will make a BIG difference for me. Another thing I love about her and her class is she’s always positive, cheerful and in a good mood. So throughout in her class, us students can enjoy and be happy. It’s so convenient to take Doris zoom classes. She gives us flexible time frame to take the class and that also works even when I’m in foreign countries for business. I recommend it.

Michiko Aida

Producer & Designer

I became acquainted with Doris as my Yoga teacher over 10 years ago. I have continued to experience and benefit from her magical, mystical Yoga therapy techniques and breathing exercises. Her kind, nourishing and often intuitive approach to addressing physical health challenges has kept me motivated to the conditioning and strengthening of my body. Thanks to Doris I am keeping fit, flexible and alert in both my professional and personal life. I am habitually addicted to attending her weekly group zoom classes.

Bertrand E. Christian, Esq.

Law Offices of B. E. Christian

Doris is caring, warm, kind, radiant, understanding, and has a non-threatening personality. I felt so comfortable talking to her and opening up about my personal problems. She has taught me how to breathe, especially when I have anxiety. I have started the class with a migraine and 30 minutes in it is gone. She has been such a support in my life and given me her whole heart. She is also very knowledgeable not only about your body and mind, but also holistic nutrition. I have learned natural ways that will cleanse my system. I owe so much to Doris, I have also recommended her to other suffering friends and family that has tried her medical yoga and absolutely loved it too. During the pandemic I have been staying in Europe. People have told me to try a new Yoga teacher. I can’t… I have tried other yoga teachers but no one is like Doris. So her zoom classes have saved me, I am back in class again miles apart. Can’t say enough good things about her.

Sofia Eng

Founder , Head of Casting

More Testimonials

Doris is very skilled as an accredited Yoga Therapist. She is extremely compassionate, has integrity and her communication skills are excellent. She is very knowledgeable and keeps to date on current research and new techniques in her field. Doris combines her therapy expertise with compassion and integrity. She cares the utmost for each patient and her work ethics are excellent, she has always been reliable, hard working and innovative. Doris has the most essential qualities to succeed and make a difference: professionalism, compassion, discipline, and intelligence. RAVINDER SINGH, MD

I have been a patient of Doris for three years—since my neurologist suggested seeing her for my chronic migraine. My goal was to lessen the frequency of incidents as well as to lessen the amount of medication. I ended up with support for not only my physical ailments, but also my mental ones stemming from the sudden and tragic loss of my husband. Doris is incredibly intuitive, very compassionate and caring person. I began a journey that has changed my life. CARIN SCHACHAT

I have worked with Doris since she was recommended by my occupational therapist who thought that she would help me recover from a dreadful car accident that caused traumatic brain injury and paralyzed half of my body. I am still far from recovery but I have determination and a hope of recovery with the support I receive from Doris. I am lucky she has the most essential qualities, professionalism, perfectionism, discipline, and intelligence. LARISSA VASSILIEVA, PhD

I have been fortunate to attend private yoga session with Doris. The sessions have combined yoga therapy with nutrition instruction and life coaching. Doris listens to me, observes me, she can tell from the way I walk in how I am doing. Doris has been a God send to me, she has a wealth of information, and she shares it in a most helpful, supportive and generous way. I feel a million times better, and I receive compliments that I’m looking better too! BONNIE BLITZSTEIN

Doris has saved my life both mentally and physically. I have worked with Doris over nine years following a hospital stay due to extreme numbness in my hands and feet. Doris has such a natural caring way of working with people that I have honestly never seen before. Doris was able to teach me skills that I will use for the rest of my life. Doris is way more than a yoga therapist, she is an angel who has touched my life. I honestly feel I would not have gotten through my health scare and diagnosis without her. KRISTIN LEE

Doris Puehringer has changed my life! I had an accident and I suffered a significant head and neck injury. Doris customizes breathing, stretching and strength exercises to work exactly where my body needs the most help. Her patient, gentle but firm approach has allowed me to discover ways to increase my energy, lessen stress and relief pain. Doris has exceptional skills and talent. But it is her character that makes her a unique and amazing healer. She is warm, caring and nurturing. Her enthusiasm for mental, physical and spiritual health is infectious. She teaches without preaching. She encouraging without being pushy. Doris has helped me learn that I can be responsible for my own well-being. That is amazing! ROCHELLE MONTGOMEY

Doris is an exceedingly knowledgeable, experienced and intuitive yoga therapist. She has a deep understanding of the body, the practical application of yoga and healing process. She intuitively helps guide you from injury and illness to health and balance. Working with Doris has vastly improved my quality of life and has been a true gift! GEORGINA KARTSONIS

I have known Doris as a Yoga Therapist. I have found her knowledgeable, conscientious, informed and cautious (I’m 70 years old). I have no hesitation to recommend her as adept and effective in her field. CHARLES WISEMAN, MD

In the sea of yoga that is Los Angeles, Doris stands above the fray in her maturity, wisdom, capacity to connect with her students, and especially in her desire to encourage individuals to explore the very edges of their yogic capacity while also keeping safe practices at the forefront. In addition, she is masterful at integrating motivational and inspiring teachings into the flow, understanding the human form, and most of all, conducting very diverse classes with dignity and grace. Hands down, She’s one of the best! SHELLEY PEARCE, Integrative Psychotherapy

Doris is a unique and rare yoga instructor who’s application of extensive training in yoga therapy has a profound impact on the health and wellbeing of her students. She is the most professional, diligent and body-aware instructor I have ever worked with. Finding her class was a gem and helped me recover from burnout and improve my sleep like no other class has. Her attitude and commitment I outstanding! NIKI GRATRIX, BA Dip ION NANP

Doris is the most extraordinary yoga therapist I’ve come across in decades of practice. Blending techniques from several schools of yoga with sequences originating in her deep knowledge of yoga therapy, her classes are an extraordinary journey every single time. I came to rely on her classes as an essential component to maintaining both mental and physical well-being in both professional and personal life. JOHN WINSTON, AIA

Doris is an amazing yoga therapist and teacher. Each class she leads is unique and geared to the students in attendance, focusing on areas of immediate concern as well as general conditioning, stretching and strengthening. Her kind attitude, as well as her warm demeanor brings an extra level of joy and inspiration to each class. LINDA SHAYNE, Film and TV writer/director

Of all the caring and skilled teachers and therapist with whom I have worked to address my back issues, Doris is, without a doubt, one of the most highly effective. Her understanding of yoga, knowledge of anatomy, focus on alignment, and most of all, paying attention to each person, make her classes a magnet for beginners as well as seasoned yogis. Doris is fun to be around, her playful sense of humor, genuine warmth, and inspiring quotes make her classes more than a great workout, they foster a sense of community. SOPHIA WISNIEWSKA

Doris is a conscientious teacher clearly dedicated to wellbeing of her students. Not only is she able to leverage her exceptional knowledge of anatomy, gained through the rigorous academic study and professional practice of yoga therapy. Doris has a selfless work ethic, she is always in demand and available to engage with students after class. Doris has the ability and knowledge to accommodate wide-ranging levels of capability in one class, while still challenging each on their own level. She quickly becomes aware of any limitations each of us students might have, and shows them to make adjustments.                          BERENICE WILKINSON


               Group Class Testimonials

Thanks so much for the class. It. really was the best yoga class I’ve ever attended! Loved the combination of techniques and breathing like in qigong.

Really enjoyed that class thank you. The time passed so quickly and the class was first class.

Absolutely loved the yoga class!! I look forward to next week session already! I also so appreciate your healing work – thank you for all you do and share as well!

I really enjoyed the yoga therapy class. A good gentle pace.

That was brilliant! I’ve barely moved for a few years now because of body pain.  I have tried a few yoga classes but they seemed impossibly difficult and I didn’t make it through.  This was the perfect balance between challenging and doable for my body.  Somehow Doris’s class helped me change my mindset from “my body can no longer move this way” to, “This is challenging and eventually my body will relax into these poses and release the pain”.  I’m feeling hopeful and excited for the first time in a very long time.  The best part was the moment when I suddenly remembered  how amazing it could feel to be in my body and move. It was actually euphoric.  Thank you Doris for this gift!  Love and light

I loved that it was so gentle and that Doris kept reminding me to do things like relax my shoulders which were almost always tense every time she instructed us to relax them. She spends a lot of time explaining the proper position of your body which is very good so we don’t end up hurting ourselves. I LOVE that she included Qigong. I could not do all of it now b/c I’m recovering from surgery but this will be a lovely gentle way to get my body moving again.

Thank you for this class. Great stretch, not difficult poses, helped to release some tension I had, and I absolutely loved music at the end. Thank you so much for what you are doing.

Doris, what a wonderful class today — thank you so much. It’s been more than a year since I’ve done yoga, so there was a lot of built-up tension. I’ve practiced yoga off and on for a decade or so, and in just one class you taught me new positions and stretches. I look forward to participating each week (and more!)

Thanks to Doris for the yoga, there is lots of wisdom in her session….loved it. It is fantastic you have made a replay available, as I am in Brisbane Australia, so without a replay 3am would be challenging.

I loved all of the class and the whole body approach ! Thank you!

The class was great – it was a combo of the pre nidra stretches my current yoga teacher uses, plus some of the yin moves she teaches; but also a lot of it was like a yin class I took a few years ago. The teacher is a healer and did many of the things Doris recommended- like stretching the feet.  So it was a real joy to experience this again with Doris, plus new things I hadn’t done before. But the wonder really started afterwards- I could feel the looseness in my joints, the free flowing energy throughout my body. I haven’t felt like that in many many years. It was so freeing, and whilst I was in quite a good mood today it really sent me soaring. I’m so delighted with the results so far. Really looking forward to next week.

I loved Doris’s yoga session. Beautifully done. Slow and clear. Perfect

I thought it was a super session with Doris.  As an older person with stiff hips some of it was challenging, but I look forward to progressing over time and once I have the recommended blocks and bolster to assist. Many thanks for gifting us this class.

It was fantastic, and I appreciate Doris’s thorough stretching exercises very much!  I have been practicing yoga for many years now, am reasonably flexible in my body, though it is 64 years old, and I had a couple severe knee injuries (not from yoga), including a deadly sepsis infection, and a major thigh bone fracture in the past 2-5 years. Bending the knee all the way is still quite painful, so I usually just have my legs flat on the mat and exercise that way. Doris’s techniques are special – thank you Doris! I am looking forward to more!!! Lots of love and bright blessings!

I like the gentle movements and the excellent directions Doris was giving. I really felt like I had a good workout after the class and felt relaxed but energized in a very good way. With a lot of gratitude for all you do and offer.

Thank you so much. I LOVED your session. I look forward to many more weeks of watching you make it all look so easy! I feel rested and relaxed now, and love the music at the end of. thank you.

Today my husband and I participated in the Yoga session.  I have been doing yoga for decades and he has been doing chair yoga for several years.  We both found today’s session to be excellent.  I picked up a few tips that I hadn’t been aware of.  Thank you! With sincere gratitude,

The yoga class was excellent! Doris is great and I feel very fortunate to have been able to attend…I am currently 8 weeks post-op from a lumbar fusion and was still able to do a majority of the poses. I liked that she gave options and alternatives for those with disabilities or inability to do the proper pose completely. I am looking forward to working up to full bends, leg extensions, etc. Thank you again – this was really a wonderful opportunity!

Many years ago I used to do Iyengar  Yoga and the session yesterday reminded me of that – including how unstretchy I have become. I had my first experience of Yoga Therapy with Doris yesterday and it was both enjoyable and beneficial.  The focus was on Stress Release, and Doris took us through a series of movements with clear verbal and visual instructions that made it very easy to follow and get the most out of. I also appreciated the additional comments she made about the impact of the movements on muscles and joints and how that helped with both physical and psychological stress release.”  Many thanks. Already in the diary for the next weeks……..

Thank you Doris. Love and gratitude to you. It was great

Thank you so much. I LOVED your session. I struggle with knee pain so I had to improvise with many of the moves but I look forward to many more weeks of watching you make it all look so easy! I feel rested and relaxed now, and love the music at the end of. thank you

A massive thank you to Doris for all the amazing classes. I am so grateful to have been able to benefit from your wisdom, joy and generosity.

Doris’s yoga therapy is just amazing! I highly recommend it and will continue myself to be part of a her class

I have loved your classes , Doris! The BEST Yoga class I have ever taken.

Fantastic teacher! I love your approach and your great smile and giggles!

Thanks a lot Doris, best yoga class I have ever had!!! They were a huge blessing!

I have gained so much from your classes and they along with your super sense of humor has really supported my wellbeing during what has been a very difficult year. I have really enjoyed joining you and the others on zoom from home. 💛