Single One to One Session


Doris lives in LA on Pacific West Coast USA time (see the time difference on the link below). When you go to purchase your session, you will be able to book in your time slot.

The session will be recorded and a replay is available if desired.


Once you sign up, you will receive a link to Doris’s private Zoom Meeting Software, so you can complete the session live online – from the comfort of your own home! This takes place on private Zoom webinar software, you just need internet access!

Doris Yoga Pose - toe tuck

Buy A Single Initial 1 hour 40 minute Session – $300 USD


Doris requires an additional 40 minutes to make a full assessment of your needs for your initial consultation.  This initial consultation allows for us to meet and get aquainted with your needs and objectives based on your medical history, current conditions, and lifestyle needs.  If you have already had your initial consultation, just book a single follow up below (or check packages that are available for 5 and 10 private sessions.)

Buy a Single Follow Up 1 hour Session – $200 USD